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Conţinutul principal

Argumentele și valorile funcției: grafic


Pentru care alt argument, în afară de 0, avem f(x)=2?
  • Your answer should be
  • un întreg, precum 6
  • un număr zecimal exact, precum 0,75
  • o fracție subunitară ireductibilă, precum 3/5
  • o fracție supraunitară simplificată, precum 7/4
  • un număr compus, precum 1 3/4
A coordinate plane. The x- and y-axes both scale by one. There is a graphed function, y equals f of x, which is made up of line segments. A line segment connects negative ten, negative six to negative eight, negative four. A line segment connects negative eight, negative four to negative seven, negative six. A line segment connects negative seven, negative six to negative three, negative two. A line segment connects negative three, negative two to negative two, negative four. A line segment connects negative two, negative four to zero, negative two. A line segment connects zero, negative two to one, zero. A line segment connects one, zero to two, two. A line segment connects two, two to four, four. A line segment connects four, four to nine, negative one. A line segment connects nine, negative one to ten, negative one.